Taking action and becoming a climate citizen

As we approach the end of our campaign, we’re sharing with you the ultimate ways of how to be the change.

1.Calculate your carbon footprint

Carbon dioxide is a common byproduct of human everyday activity. The release of carbons in the environment may come from the burning of fossil fuels in power stations as well as from the cars we use to get about. All these factors affect our carbon footprint, however not many realise it. There are many online footprint calculators, once you find out where you stand make a commitment to reduce your emissions. You can choose different modes of transportation and take a bus instead of your car, reduce your waste or upgrade your appliances to be more energy saving.

2.Take political action

Politicians are the ones that implement policies in our society. Communicate to them your concern about climate change because after all, they are there to work for you. Vote for politicians who believe in the science of climate change and are committed to addressing it. Attend events or support NGOs which raise visibility towards climate change action or pressure officials to address issues. 

3.Be a critical thinker 

We are constantly being bombarded with information and because of this, it’s important to learn to judge and critically analyse the information before us. This means not taking the information at face value, seeking second opinions, questioning biases and understanding the context of the information. Being informed about the subject is key to form a strong and decisive opinion. 

4.Talk about climate change 

Share your concerns about climate change and your stories this helps motivate collective action. Share your story on why climate action is important to you, or how climate change is affecting you, this can be a very powerful way to inspire action and concern in others. 

All these acts can help our environment, and help safeguard it for future generations. Remember, that small things can make a big difference. Use these tips and tricks to not only help change but be at the forefront of it.