Welcome Freshers!

Congratulations! You have made it to the Faculty of Health Sciences! After all those months studying for A’levels we’re sure some of you already started stressing about university. So here are some tips and tricks to help you ace your first year at University:

  1. VLE is your best friend

    Make sure to always be updated with what gets posted on VLE, both notes and informations regarding lectures. You can also download the UM app to make your life easier. It also gives you access to your results and notifications when a new mark is published or a lecturer sends out a message, such as a cancelled lecture.

  2. Plan Ahead

    University can be very overwhelming, so it’s important to plan ahead. From what you are going to bring for lunch the next day, to arriving on time for your lectures, to your study plan.

  3. Balance

    Although it is extremely important to focus on your studies and assignments, it is equally important to give yourself some time to relax and enjoy your free time. This may include; taking an hour to go to the gym, go shopping with your friends or attending some of the best university parties in the weekend. You need a balance if you want to prevent burning yourself out.

  4. Attendance and punctuality

    It is important to avoid missing lectures as not only will some lecturers flag your lack of attendance but it will make it harder to understand certain topics. It is equally important to arrive on time for your lectures, so if you are bussing it to university plan ahead for traffic, especially for those 8am lectures.

  5. Eat well

    It’s very easy to fall into the routine of buying snacks here and there to get through your day or finding you are too busy to stop and eat. However, it is important to find time to eat a proper meal at university. Whether it’s one you brought from home or bought from one of the cafes or canteens, a nutritional meal goes a long way and will give you all the needed energy to get through the day (more than coffee will).

  6. Sleep Well

    Sleep is very underrated. It is important to get at least 7-8 hours of sleep each night to help you feel refreshed and ready for the day ahead. It is also important not to pull too many all nighters (especially during exam season) and not stay out too late if you have to wake up early the next day as it can negativity impact your cognitive abilities as well as lead to other complications such as high blood pressure.

  7. Enjoy it!

    You have a whole year ahead of you, so remember to enjoy it! You will have plenty of physical lectures to get to know your classmates and your lecturers. Outside of lectures, there are going to be plenty of events happening this year, especially from MHSA’s side. So enjoy the ride and we’ll see you at our freshers’s stands and our upcoming pink October event.